Entries by Peterson, Martin & Reynolds LLP

Right to Repair Act Not Exclusive Remedy Where Construction Defects Cause Actual Damages

Hart bought a newly constructed home developed and built by Brookfield. Several years later, a pipe in the home’s sprinkler system burst, causing flooding and significant damage. Brookfield acknowledged liability and repaired the damage. Hart’s homeowners’ insurer, Liberty Mutual, paid his hotel and relocation expenses incurred while he was out of the home during the […]

Real Estate Agent’s Fraud Cannot Be Imputed to Broker for Exception to Bankruptcy Discharge, Unless Broker Knew or Should Have Known of the Fraud

Real Estate Agent’s Fraud Cannot Be Imputed to Broker for Exception to Bankruptcy Discharge, Unless Broker Knew or Should Have Known of the Fraud – Angela Okamura   The case of In re Huh examines whether a finding of fraud against a real estate agent can be imputed to the broker in a bankruptcy context. […]