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Entries by Peterson, Martin & Reynolds LLP
There Oughta Be a Law (And There is) – Anti-SLAPP 20 Years On
/by Peterson, Martin & Reynolds LLPIn 1992, the California legislature enacted a law to prevent the use of the judicial system to squelch public dialogue on important public issues. This law is commonly applied to cases involving constitutional free speech and petition, including statements made about or during litigation. An action filed to silence one’s opponent is called a SLAPP […]
Court Expands Reach of Fiduciary Duty Law to Include Third Parties Aiding and Abetting
/by Peterson, Martin & Reynolds LLPCourt Expands Reach of Fiduciary Duty Law to Include Third Parties Aiding and Abetting – Jonathan Finke In American Master Lease v. Idanta Partners, Roberts formed American Master Lease (“AML”) based on a proprietary business method he developed. To generate capital, Roberts invited Andrews, Runnels and Franklin to invest and become members of AML, […]
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